Our sixth amazing year fishing in Alaska! Rough seas on the first day diminished our overall catch, but we had two stellar days after that and came home with 150lbs of fish between my dad and myself. We were paired-up with Bob and Steve from SoCal and all got along quite nicely. Steve turned out to be Mr. Black Cod. Salmon were short-biting so we lost at least 3 fish for every one we landed. We ended up catching pinks at a rate three times greater than silver salmon. I even had two large chums put up a great fight. Whales were pretty good this year too, just too far away and too overcast to get great photos. Overall, it was a really fun week and went WAY too fast.
Colin, my bother-in-law visiting from Boston, has been working extremely hard to finish his MS in electrical engineering and is very much into birding and photography. Somehow we were able to convince Laura and my sister Mandy to let us go on an all-day adventure to explore the high country of Yosemite and the eastern side of the Sierra while they stayed home with the kids. The trail was a bit hard to find under the immense amount of snow that still lingered, but we made it and were rewarded with an awesome display of Cathedral Peak reflecting in the flooded meadows below. There was also an abundance of frogs singing to us in the flooded meadows.
October 2024
AuthorRyan J Hollister - Geoscience & EnviroSci Educator, Avid hiker, Landscape photographer, WildLink Club Advisor, Central Valley Advocate. |