An Idea Born of the California Drought.
Updated 3/23/2018
I created this groundwater model to give my students a simulated first-hand experience of Tragedy of the Commons. In this case it is Central California's Groundwater depletion due to drought and over-drafting of the aquifer. Please be aware that I have a VERY much improved version of this soon to be released on Science Friday's website. This version clogs a bit.
Step #1: Use a large hot glue gun to melt holes large enough to press-fit shampoo pumps.
(You can also put the rubber tubing on at this time or wait until later. Doesn't really matter).
Step #2: Label "land partitions" and drill infiltration holes.
- Use a Sharpie to equally divide the top of the box into thirds.
2. Set the lid on top of the empty shoe box.
3. Use a .25" drill bit to drill NINE holes in front of each pump.
4. The holes will catch rain and act as points of infiltration during the simulation.
3. Use a .25" drill bit to drill NINE holes in front of each pump.
4. The holes will catch rain and act as points of infiltration during the simulation.